Is wishing things were not the way they are now :(
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Yesterday was pretty fun Grandpa and Grandma Forrider came to my party also Ms. Stearns came and the prices. My parents and Aimee made fun of me because of the people i invited were either older then I or Just little. Glenn and Jeanette and the kids came too. Stephanie Gregg was there but she did not get to stay as long as she usually gets too.
Jeremy is finally starting to walk well kinda he took a couple steps for me.Mikayla Always enjoys going to frenchtown pond and jumping in the water. We had a blast
I took Jeremy out in the water he really liked it, We got out there pretty far it was up to his stomach.
Kaitlyn stayed on one of the floaty things and we tied a long rope on it so we could pull her around and also so the wind did not take her out to far. She is a crazy kid she would get on the floaty and start rocking back and forth. I am amazed she did not fall in.My parens and David and Glenn sitting along the side of the water.
Jeremy after coming up from the water
It is usually a challenge to get a picture of my mom because she does not like having her picture taken but she actually let me snap one.
Brandon and Jessica
My piece of cake, I got a Madagascar cake cause there was a giraffe on it. My mom cut the pieces out and all the kids chose what piece they wanted by the end all the whole middle of the cake was missing.
Haylea and Jeremy chowing down on cake
Posted by Brandi at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
Spending Lots Of Time
For the Past week since i have arrived home i have been spending lots of time with most of my friends and My little buddies. I am going to miss all of them so much. I have been packing and packing and packing and it seems like it will not end. Also have been going to gymnastics as much as possible this will be the hardest thing i have ever done. That is Moving,
Mikayla playing the Piano
Today was pretty fun i spent it with Laura Smith
we went to some garage sales. We were looking for a
church that had a sale going on and we stopped and
went inside and found out that was no longer a church
someone was living there and the whole familywas home it was pretty
funny after we left.
We ended up finding the church a little ways
down the road that was having the sale.
After we were all done we met up with the
rest of the family and i had to say my goodbyes
to the people that i consider my other family and my
three sisters it was so hard to know that i
wont be seeing them every week anymore.
But hopefully we will all stay in contact.
Laura and Louisa
Tomorrow i am having a going away/ birthday BBQ so i hope ppl will show and it will be fun. Before the BBQ Aimee Deets and i are going to some garage sales. Well this is all i have for now.
Haylea and I
Posted by Brandi at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 5, 2010
More Pics Of Tornado Damage
Front of building with Roof off
side View
Insulation all over the fence on the ground
Garage that was
torn apart
Trees twisted up
some trees by the church we stayed at that did not fall on the church
Posted by Brandi at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Tornado Yesterday
Tornado and more pics to come
We were leaving spring creek camp yesterday when we saw some big un ordinary clouds they were moving fast. The Smiths Had Two Vans Pulling Trailers I was in one with La Don and the Girls and it had a flat trailer. Dan had the boys and it had a white trailer pulling along. We turned to head toward there house in rose bud it was raining and very windy, but all of a sudden the trailer started to tip and the van went on two wheels but we came back down. Then Dan
Decided to pass us and go in front, but all of a sudden the trailer flew off sending lots of sparks and we thought they were not going to make it. The van turned and stayed right up and no one was hurt it was then we decided to go back to the little church in St. Francis. It had no basment but it was better then being in the van. we sat in the front of the little church praying that the storm would pass. The trees were moving branches flying. It was the most frightening thing that has ever happend in
my life. The tornado went around but missed the
church and some of the places near it. when we headed back to get the trailer there were branchs on fire. One of the buildings were missing the roof and some one said that there was a garage missing. I have some pictures of the trailer a
nd stome of what the yard looked like whent we finally arr
d at the smiths house.
Posted by Brandi at 3:36 PM 0 comments