The last day of Gymnastics for awhile anyways:(
I ended very well these are the best rips so far, four all at once. You may think they are gross but in the gym this is not considered gross. The person who took the picture was my coach at one point in my life and that is Kelly Durban who is the owner and the one that came up with Mismo. My years at Mismo have been wonderful and have kept me going in two more months i would have been at Mismo for eight years I love the gym and it is my favorite sport although it is very tough at times. I have had lots of help from all of my coaches and will miss all of them. I have done a lot in that gym not only 4 nights of gymnastics or two hour practices but i have stayed there till 5am with my coaches and friends helping paint cut carpet clean mats and also help with extra events in parade, Help set all the equipment up for competition at another gym or go to the mall and help teach children how to do forward rolls down a cheese mat. I consider Mismo my other home I think i am there more then home. I will miss It, And i cant wait to see My coaches again and go mess around in the gym when I'm back home.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Back Home
Posted by Brandi at 5:48 PM 0 comments
Tacoma Camp
Crazy Things that keep me and
Jennifer entertained
So camp was very interesting this year they decided to not have youth so me and Jennifer made the long days very interesting.
One night Jennifer decided she was going to put tons of tiny braids in my hair and in her hair also. The special thing was they were very hard to get out cause my hair is to thin we both ended up being late for the morning service the next day cause of them. It was fun though. Also we repainted our cabin this year and put hand prints all over the wall and our initials on the wall too.
One of the crazy things we did was after every meal took the leftovers of our food and made some type of nasty looking stuff and tried to get some people to eat it. It also had dandelions in it and grass and put some flowers to the side to make it look pretty the funny thing is we had three people that actually ate it. Fred took a bite of it and his wife was so disgusted but i guess she said he does crazy things all the time. He took a bite on Other day too.
We tried to get brother Taylor to try it but this is the look we got.
One night after service we randomly decided to make a pine cone person that we put up in our cabin for next yearAfter every evening service Jennifer, Deena, and Michael and me did the snack bar. It has been a tradition every year that we have done.
Deena's dad being crazy while i snapped pictures
Jennifer's dad Rick that has always considers me as another daughter. He always comes up to the counter to pick on me and everyone else.One afternoon Jennifer and i decided to leave the campgrounds and go to Safeway and Starbucks and drive around to other stores as we waved at people while driving by and seeing the funny looks on there faces like do i know them? Then we ended up buying butcher paper and bobble eyes and went back to the camp grounds to create a very big paper crain. It is the biggest one i have ever made.
Deena and I had lots of fun together this year she was able to stay in our cabin some of the time. She thought me and Jennifer were very strange we always stayed up late talking.
Sunday afternoon we have the afternoon service in the dinning hall i sat down on the chair and it broke. Deena was always teasing me saying that i was a mammoth and Jennifer was there when i broke the chair so she made fun of me for breaking it.Playing around with my camera and this is one of the pictures we got out of messing around Its kinda frightening but funny at the same time.
Lou That always thought we were up to something and would never try anything that we would create. He is now just getting the text message thing down so me and Jennifer have tried to help him out.
Angie and Katie finally showed up the last day of camp. Angie made a phone call and mad this guy think that she truly wanted wood flooring put down on the floor the walls and the ceiling she told him he was very bright for coming up with putting it on the ceiling he said he has never had anyone ask to put it on the walls or ceiling but he said he would be willing to give it a try.
Posted by Brandi at 3:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Yesterday was pretty fun Grandpa and Grandma Forrider came to my party also Ms. Stearns came and the prices. My parents and Aimee made fun of me because of the people i invited were either older then I or Just little. Glenn and Jeanette and the kids came too. Stephanie Gregg was there but she did not get to stay as long as she usually gets too.
Jeremy is finally starting to walk well kinda he took a couple steps for me.Mikayla Always enjoys going to frenchtown pond and jumping in the water. We had a blast
I took Jeremy out in the water he really liked it, We got out there pretty far it was up to his stomach.
Kaitlyn stayed on one of the floaty things and we tied a long rope on it so we could pull her around and also so the wind did not take her out to far. She is a crazy kid she would get on the floaty and start rocking back and forth. I am amazed she did not fall in.My parens and David and Glenn sitting along the side of the water.
Jeremy after coming up from the water
It is usually a challenge to get a picture of my mom because she does not like having her picture taken but she actually let me snap one.
Brandon and Jessica
My piece of cake, I got a Madagascar cake cause there was a giraffe on it. My mom cut the pieces out and all the kids chose what piece they wanted by the end all the whole middle of the cake was missing.
Haylea and Jeremy chowing down on cake
Posted by Brandi at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
Spending Lots Of Time
For the Past week since i have arrived home i have been spending lots of time with most of my friends and My little buddies. I am going to miss all of them so much. I have been packing and packing and packing and it seems like it will not end. Also have been going to gymnastics as much as possible this will be the hardest thing i have ever done. That is Moving,
Mikayla playing the Piano
Today was pretty fun i spent it with Laura Smith
we went to some garage sales. We were looking for a
church that had a sale going on and we stopped and
went inside and found out that was no longer a church
someone was living there and the whole familywas home it was pretty
funny after we left.
We ended up finding the church a little ways
down the road that was having the sale.
After we were all done we met up with the
rest of the family and i had to say my goodbyes
to the people that i consider my other family and my
three sisters it was so hard to know that i
wont be seeing them every week anymore.
But hopefully we will all stay in contact.
Laura and Louisa
Tomorrow i am having a going away/ birthday BBQ so i hope ppl will show and it will be fun. Before the BBQ Aimee Deets and i are going to some garage sales. Well this is all i have for now.
Haylea and I
Posted by Brandi at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 5, 2010
More Pics Of Tornado Damage
Front of building with Roof off
side View
Insulation all over the fence on the ground
Garage that was
torn apart
Trees twisted up
some trees by the church we stayed at that did not fall on the church
Posted by Brandi at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Tornado Yesterday
Tornado and more pics to come
We were leaving spring creek camp yesterday when we saw some big un ordinary clouds they were moving fast. The Smiths Had Two Vans Pulling Trailers I was in one with La Don and the Girls and it had a flat trailer. Dan had the boys and it had a white trailer pulling along. We turned to head toward there house in rose bud it was raining and very windy, but all of a sudden the trailer started to tip and the van went on two wheels but we came back down. Then Dan
Decided to pass us and go in front, but all of a sudden the trailer flew off sending lots of sparks and we thought they were not going to make it. The van turned and stayed right up and no one was hurt it was then we decided to go back to the little church in St. Francis. It had no basment but it was better then being in the van. we sat in the front of the little church praying that the storm would pass. The trees were moving branches flying. It was the most frightening thing that has ever happend in
my life. The tornado went around but missed the
church and some of the places near it. when we headed back to get the trailer there were branchs on fire. One of the buildings were missing the roof and some one said that there was a garage missing. I have some pictures of the trailer a
nd stome of what the yard looked like whent we finally arr
d at the smiths house.
Posted by Brandi at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
YNP Cruise 2010
Yellowstone National ParkWhy i went to Yellowstone is
for a cruise with several other
Volkswagen owners. They do
a trip every year also different
Events through the year. There
was a weekend full of stuff, lots
of BBQ s and a car show. Me and
my Brother and Jessica his girl
Friend went there we had a blast
here are some pictures in how my
past weekend went.
When we first got
into the park we saw
a bear and a wolf. I did
not get a picture of the
Bear though because
he went behind a tree.
Nice warm Boiling
Water. My clothes
smelt like sulfur
for quite some hours.
Very pretty view but
Very very far down.It was so cold
there for June it was
in the 30s and lots of
wind. When walking by
the geysers it was nice
and warm.Here is the VW crew
not the people sitting
down though. some
people got lost so they
are not in the picture,
It was neat meeting
a whole bunch of new
people about everyone
there did not know each
other at first.
The cars parked while
at the water fall.
This was the one of the
biggest highlights of the
trip. Mike the leader of
all of the cars got pulled
over. The funny thing is
as he pulled over we all
pulled over. The cop said
he was driving to slow
and holding up traffic witch
was us after the cop realized
That we were all together i think he was kind of embarrassed.Jessica and I
We all pulled over
to get pictures but the
funny thing is the on going
cars would slow down
as if we were looking at
something. So some of us
would point at nothing and
the poor ppl would try to
figure out what
we were looking
at as my brother said we were
looking at a willed heard of
volkswagons.Jessica and i
tried to form a
heart around the
VWMy Brother Brandon
some of the cars
at the car show
there are lots more
every year they put
the cars from oldest
to newest and try to
form a circle but it
ends up looking like a
horse shoe.
Posted by Brandi at 8:43 PM 0 comments